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Timmy is a Product Designer who transforms ambitious visions into reality. He enjoys solving problems you can't explain in one sentence.

Currently at Intuit Futures

case studies

case studies

Recent projects are only available via presentation



Streamlining a recruiter's workflow and reducing the resources to hire the right candidate.

Machine Learning + 

SaaS + Data Design

Zazzle Play

[zas-zul pley]

A collection of activities that help lower the barrier to creativity by providing a source of inspiration through engaging experiences.

Web App Design +




An IoT solution to workplace interruptions. Communicate your status in the real world and remove the worries around unspoken workplace etiquette.

IoT Device +

Mobile Prototyping


[sound kloud]

A new way to share music, decorate albums with stickers and support upcoming artists by engaging in live streams. Share tomorrow's music, today.

Re-branding +



[kyoob roh-ver]

Designing the map’s UI to provide efficient navigation of lunar terrain and determining the information architecture of tagging and storing images for scientific missions.

System Design +

Space Exploration

medium posts


Assisting local businesses to implement a safe shopping environment to restore trust within its community.

MIT COVID-19 Hackathon +

Mobile Prototyping

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